Summer fling: What I learned cheating on my minivan with a Buick The Globe and Mail
29.08.16 -
Summer fling: What I learned cheating on my minivan with a BuickThe Globe and MailAnd then, a few weeks ago I found myself picking up the aforementioned four-door 2016 Buick Regal at San Francisco International Airport. I'd been curious about it ever since reading a review in Consumer Reports that dubbed it the “antithesis of the и нeкoтoрыe люди »
2017 Buick Regal Earns 5-Star Safety Rating From Federal Government
25.08.16 - Edmunds.com2017 Buick Regal Earns 5-Star Safety Rating From Federal GovernmentEdmunds.comWASHINGTON — The 2017 Buick Regal sedan earned the highest five-star overall safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The rating applies to front-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive versions of the 2017 Regal, which is 2017 Buick Regal Earns A Five-Star Overall Safety RatingВсe сходственные статьи: 2 »
2016 Buick Regal GS AWD More Confident Than Dad's 4-Door Buick Quick Review ChicagoNow (blog)
15.08.16 - ChicagoNow (blog)2016 Buick Regal GS AWD - More Confident Than Dad's 4-Door Buick - Quick ReviewChicagoNow (blog)WHAT: 2016 Buick Regal GS (Epsilon II) : Sporty mid-size executive sedan based on GM's Opel Germany's Insignia OPC and Vauxhall UK's Insignia VXR. Regal GS was originally released in 2011 as front-drive only; Cosmetic refresh came with the 2014 Buick
2016-2017 Buick Envision, 2011 Buick Regal recalled: nearly 48000 U.S. vehicles affected The Car Connection
04.08.16 - The Car Connection2016-2017 Buick Envision, 2011 Buick Regal recalled: nearly 48000 U.S. Combined, they affect nearly 48,000 vehicles registered in the U.S.. vehicles affectedThe Car ConnectionThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has posted two recalls of Buick vehicles--one for the 2016-2017 Buick Envision, the other for the 2011 Buick Regal. RECALL #1: 2016 2011 Buick Regal Recalled for Fire RiskRecall Alert: 2011 Buick RegalGM issues separate recalls for Buick Regal, EnvisionВсe сходственные статьи: 10 »
2015 Buick Regal, 2014-2015 Chevrolet Cruze Glass Issue News
19.08.16 - News2015 Buick Regal, 2014-2015 Chevrolet Cruze Glass NewsWarranty info: This service is being performed free of charge under a special service campaign in effect until Dec. 31, 2017. What owners should do: Call your local dealer with your vehicle's identification number to determine if it's involved in this
Музей America on Wheels: путешествие в прошлое
29.08.16 - Autocentre.uaМузeй America on Wheels: рейс в прошлоеAutocentre.uaВ 1987 году компания Buick выпустила долее) (того 500 экземпляров модели GNX, посвященной американской гоночной серии NASCAR Grand National. Ото обычной модели Regal версия GNX отличалась 300-сильным турбированным 3,8-литровым V6, спортивными настройками, эксклюзивной
Леонид Попов, 24 декабря 2015. Фото: Opel, Chrise Doane/Brenda Priddy & Company DRIVE.RU
24.12.15 - DRIVE.RUЛeoнид Попов, 24 декабря 2015. И что греха таить, в 2010 и 2011 годах в Америке были замечены прототипы универсала Regal — в соответствии с нормой, это была перекроенная версия модели Opel Insignia Sports Tourer. Фотография: Opel, Chrise Doane/Brenda Priddy & CompanyDRIVE.RUНадежды были связаны с моделью Buick Regal, являющейся версией Диадема для Штатов. Увы и другие »
An Interview With An Orange Lamborghini Owner, And Other Carspotting Moments On The Streets Of SoHo Jalopnik
30.08.16 - JalopnikAn Interview With An Orange Lamborghini Owner, And Other Carspotting Moments On The Streets Of SoHoJalopnikWe managed to bump into a wonderfully ruined slammed Honda Accord, a survivor Acura Legend, a very charming Buick Regal GS (the one everyone tries to forget), a stately Bentley Arnage and a bright orange drop top Huracan. The owner, who never rolled
Tax credits could lead to hundreds of new jobs Dayton Daily News
30.08.16 - Dayton Daily NewsTax credits could lead to hundreds of new jobsDayton Daily NewsAt the time, Tenneco in Kettering made shock absorbers and struts primarily for General Motors passenger vehicles such as the Chevrolet Camaro, Cruze, HHR and Volt, as well as the Buick Regal and Lacrosse. • DMAX expects to create 150 full-time и oтдeльныe люди »
Универсал Buick Regal выйдет в 2018 году АвтоДрайв
01.06.16 - AвтoДрaйвУнивeрсaл Buick Regal выйдет в 2018 годуАвтоДрайвЭто фотоснимок демонстрирует новое поколение универсала Buick Regal и Opel / Vauxhall Insignia, которые равно как выйдут в кузове седана и хэтчбека. На ежегодной встрече дилеров Buick-GMC, состоявшейся в прошлой неделе в Остин, штат Техас, был объявлено, какими судьбами новые модели Enclave