Renegade Steer Clear: Chevy Revives Cavalier Nameplate Car and Driver (blog)
12.05.16 - Car and Driver (blog)Renegade Steer Clear: Chevy Revives Cavalier NameplateCar and Driver (blog)Americans of the 1980s were forced to contend with GM's J-platform cars. While Cadillac's Cimarron slouches most memorably due to its tarring and feathering of the venerable wreath and crest, and Oldsmobile's Firenza is perhaps the most-often forgotten и чaсть »
8 imports Canada got but America did not Autoweek
25.04.16 - Autoweek8 imports Canada got but America did notAutoweekVauxhall Firenza. For a few years GM offered the Vauxhall brand in Canada, albeit in left-hand drive. Photo by Dave Saunders. 8. Vauxhall Firenza. The Vauxhall Firenza was very different from the Oldsmobile Firenza; let's just get that out of the way
Wichita State's Gregg Marshall ready to assume top of Shocker coaching list Wichita Eagle
03.02.16 - Wichita EagleWichita State's Gregg Marshall ready to assume top of Shocker coaching listWichita Eaglesweeping the court, sleeping in his tan Oldsmobile Firenza on recruiting trips, washing uniforms and proofreading recruiting envelopes. “I didn't have any goals. “I was the one assistant coach,” he said. I just knew that I was in the gym, with my и oтдeльныe люди »
Black Sheep: Embarrassing Offspring from Otherwise Upstanding Automotive Families Car and Driver (blog)
21.10.15 - Car and Driver (blog)Black Sheep: Embarrassing Offspring from Otherwise Upstanding Automotive FamiliesCar and Driver (blog)Black sheep—seemingly every family has at least one. The one model that's considered not as good as the others, an embarrassment that most would rather forget. That's true of automotive families, as well. At club gatherings, it's the car that's
Deep digging leads to first fully digitized map of Alaska's geology Alaska Dispatch News
06.01.16 - Alaska Dispatch NewsDeep digging leads to first fully digitized map of Alaska's geologyAlaska Dispatch NewsU.S. Geological Survey research geologist Frederic Wilson, lead author of a new map depicting the surface geology of Alaska, stands in front of a full-sized printout at the USGS Alaska Science Center in Anchorage on Jan. 5, 2016. Yereth Rosen / ADN и прoчиe »
North Slope Borough Mayor Charlotte Brower in 2013. Courtesy North Slope Borough / Kevin G. Smith Alaska Dispatch News
08.01.16 - Alaska Dispatch NewsNorth Slope Borough Mayor Charlotte Brower in 2013. Courtesy North Slope Borough / Kevin G. SmithAlaska Dispatch NewsAn effort to recall North Slope Borough Mayor Charlotte Brower can move ahead, according to a letter hand-delivered Thursday to the movement's sponsors. The borough clerk's office reviewed the signatures on a petition seeking a recall election and и нeкoтoрыe люди »
Buick's Turbocharged Skyhawk: America's Forgotten Hot-Hatch The Cheat Sheet
16.09.15 - The Cheat SheetBuick's Turbocharged Skyhawk: America's Forgotten Hot-HatchThe Cheat SheetThough the Grand National is widely recognized as Buick's iconic sleeper of the 1980s, very few remember its long-lost siblings — the Skyhawk T-Type and Sport Hatch. With a turbocharged powerplant of their own, the Skyhawk T-Type and Sport Hatch were
When big-haired alien robots pitched Oldsmobiles on the Mars Base Autoweek
19.10.15 - AutoweekWhen big-haired alien robots pitched Oldsmobiles on the Mars BaseAutoweekYes, the marketers from GM's now-defunct mid-prestige marque spent much of that decade trying to convince younger buyers to ignore the first three letters in the brand's name and try out a car that really wasn't their father's Oldsmobile. The
Kidnapped Midsi Sanchez Tells Her Story on LMN's 'They Took Our Child'
07.10.15 - 2paragraphs.comKidnapped Midsi Sanchez Tells Her Story on LMN's 'They Took Our Child'2paragraphs.comIn the new LMN series They Took Our Child: We Got Her Back, Midsi Sanchez tells her story of being kidnapped when eight years old in 2000. She was walking home from school, just a block away from home, when she was abducted by serial child rapist и oтдeльныe люди »
7 hatchbacks from the 1980s you just don't see anymore Autoweek
26.05.15 - Autoweek7 hatchbacks from the 1980s you just don't see anymoreAutoweekThe GM J-body crew dressed alike for the most part and included the Chevy Cavalier, Buick Skyhawk, Pontiac Sunbird, Cadillac Cimarron and the Olds Firenza. Along with sedan, wagon and coupe variants, the Firenza was also available as a hatchback. The